Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Bucket List

The bucket list it's important to us, because we have to make plans to achive our aims. So the bucket list is important and it gives us the way to how spend our time before death, also it depends on the cultures of people around the world . If we define the bucket list we can define it as a sort of plans or notes which we have do before we die, for example if someone is told by a doctor you will die after few months, he or she has to think about what he or she will do in these few months and he or she has to make plan to help him or her to spend time, so in this case he or she might need a bucket list which means to write down the most important things to do before death . People around the world are different and the cultures also different, so the people who their religous is Islam they will wish to visite (Maka) which is a city in Saudi Arabia to Alhaj and also they wish to die there, and some people wish to stay at home to pray to Allah to forgive them for their sin . This is the most important things doing by the people who their religous is Islam , and the other people they wish to achive the the things which they were dreaming about to do it and they do it, for example they travel around the world. In both cases between the people who wish to visit (Maka) to Alhaj or the people who travel aronud the world to see the most beutiful places there are important things to do that or to achive their aims before death which is money. Money is important to achive their aims.

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